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NASA Debunked

NASA Debunked is a platform dedicated to demystifying common misconceptions and myths surrounding space exploration, technology, and the role of organizations like NASA. Our mission is to provide well-researched and accurate information to answer questions like: Why are we not past low Earth orbit? Why are humans not able to get to the moon? What was the space race really about? What does climate change have to do with the space race? We are committed to promoting scientific literacy and critical thinking in the realm of space science and technology.

The Space Race Was Not About The Moon

Here is a detailed breakdown of why the space race was not about the moon landing but about inhabiting low earth orbit. After trailing Russia in space for the entire 60's it was necessary for NASA to make a grand claim no one could dispute because it is still now possible. All as a distraction from the reality that Apollo was designed and intended to find stable low earth orbit for the creation of a space station and in hopes to inhabit the high ground. 

These two videos breakdown the reason why Nasa could not and still to this day struggles to put up their own space station and how Russia came to win the space race by allowing NASA to claim it went to the moon and agreeing. 

The Short Version

The Long Version

wHy wOuLDnT RuSsIA CalL uS oUt???

When Russia put up Sputnik and started the space race it was always to take the high ground and hold it. To spy on their enemies from the highest position and hold the strongest military advantage points. During the 60's NASA and Russia worked to put crafts into low earth orbit and find stable orbit for human space flight. History is very clear that Russia was the leader in the 60's. They beat America in every thing, from the first orbit around the earth, to the first woman, the first black person, the first at everything. NASA was struggling to keep up. This is why they lied about the moon landing.


While Apollo claimed it was going to the moon it was clearly in low earth orbit. It was an obvious reaction to the Salyut program Russia had launched to learn to inhabit space, to inhabit low earth orbit as the high ground. Nasa unable to compete still they made a grand claim that they will go higher than the Salyut program. So while NASA was pretending that it was golfing, off roading and joking around on the moon, which they got to perfectly and played on without a since glitch, leaving the soldiers to joke and sing on the job. 


Meanwhile Russia allowed them to pretend, even joined their conspiracy by making their claims that they would try to follow nasa to the moon... Saying and doing this allowed Russia to focus on their space station program while NASA focused on pretending it was going to the moon. Russia never really trying to go to the moon spent all its efforts on the Salyut program. Their victory was all but assured with the launch of the Salyut1 in 1971. 


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Russia launched the Salyut 1 and changed the course of NASA's propaganda. No longer was America interested in pretending it was going to the moon and was better, it was clearly losing and the public opinion was less of a concern. The Moon Landing conspiracy was ended and nasa started being honest about where they had been sending apollo and its true purpose. 


That picture is of the original moon landing. That is what they used to fake it. That was the original claim. GTFO all of the conspiracy theorists who claim that this cannot be faked, that it would cost more to fake this than going. The pictures that are on Google and people see today are ALL CGI. This was the quality, this was the video. Everything else is a recreation, animation, digital reproduction... Fake.


1972 As Seen In 1972

1972 As Seen Today

When Nasa faced the reality that Russia was successfully orbiting space and about to launch their first space station in low earth orbit no longer was faking going to the moon a priority and the truth to Apollo's needs was made clear.

They worked very hard to make the world think this last moon mission was the end of Apollo, that Apollo ended because the country lost interest and there was no point in going. Apollo went into low earth orbit each time. Looking to find stable orbit. Obviously the high ground was not the moon and Russia was never going, they were focused on inhabiting space. The launch of the Salyut 1 showed their true intents for all of the 60's orbital practice. 


Salyut 1 was the world's first space station, launched into low Earth orbit by the Soviet Union on April 19, 1971. The station was designed to last six months in orbit, but the mission ended in tragedy when the crew died from depressurization during reentry.


Salyut 1 was 48 feet long and 13.9 feet in diameter, and weighed 20 metric tons. It was derived from the Almaz reconnaissance platform and adapted for use with the Soyuz manned spacecraft. The station had a single docking port at the front end for Soyuz ferries, and internally it formed a single rectangular room with an air lock in the front section. It also had buffer chemical batteries, reserve supplies of oxygen and water, and regeneration systems. Externally, it had two sets of solar cell panels, radiators for the heat regulation system, and orientation and control devices.

The crew of Salyut 1 was Georgi T. Dobrovolski, Vladislav N. Volkov, and Viktor I. Patsayev, who spent 24 days in orbit. The mission ended when the capsule's atmospheric pressure dropped to zero within 3 minutes and 32 seconds, and the cosmonauts died in less than one minute. They are the only people from Earth to have died in space since manned space flight began in 1961.

Because real space, and the reality of inhabiting low earth orbit was deadly, dangerous and difficult. Golfing on the moon, dune buggies and playing around on the moon were obvious lies from a government who struggled with Apollo to go into low earth orbit. The continuation of the apollo program would prove the lies of the previous missions. The failures of their attempts to put humans in low earth orbit for long durations was a complete failure and nearly lead to the same fate as Russia's first attempt. 

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Nasa did not cancel Apollo 18,19,20 etc. They were repurposed to the creation of Skylab. This mission was NASA responding to the Salyut program. Secretly, discreetly they were using Apollo to create Skylab. On January 4, 1970, NASA announced the cancellation of Apollo 20 so that its Saturn V launch rocket could be used to launch the Skylab space station as a "dry workshop" (assembled on the ground), instead of constructing it as a "wet workshop" from a spent S-IVB upper stage of a Saturn IB launch vehicle.


NASA's Skylab was the first space station crewed by humans and the first crewed research laboratory in space. It launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on May 14, 1973, on the last Saturn V rocket and was occupied by three astronaut crews from May 25, 1973 to February 8, 1974. The longest mission lasted almost three months.

Skylab's objectives were to:
Demonstrate that humans could live and work in space for extended periods.
Advance knowledge of solar astronomy beyond Earth-based observations.

The station's accomplishments include:
Paving the way for permanent operations in low-Earth orbit.
Laying the foundation for the International Space Station's space science program.

Helping to prepare for future missions to the Moon and Mars
Conducting nearly 300 scientific and technical experiments
Skylab was 118 feet long when in orbit and weighed 170,000 pounds, making it the heaviest spacecraft at the time. It had four main components:
Orbital Workshop (OWS): The main living, working, and sleeping area for the crew, which also included exercise equipment, a galley, and many of the scientific experiments.

Skylab also featured gyroscopes that allowed it to change its attitude without using propellant. Control-moment gyroscopes (CMG) could move the station, while rate gyroscopes measured its rotation rate to determine its orientation.


A spitting image, a carbon copy, a replica of the Russian craft, aside from one VERY important detail. The thrust capabilities. Their choice of technologies to keep the craft in orbit, to adjust its height was a failure. Skylab was commissioned to last ten years. The station was only inhabited for 24 weeks before being decommissioned. 

This all shows NASA had always been using Apollo to find stability in low earth orbit to place a space station. The Moon landings were a political call to use psychological operations against their own people and hopes that it might throw off their enemies. 

On August 8, 1969, the McDonnell Douglas Corporation received a contract for the conversion of two existing S-IVB stages to the Orbital Workshop configuration. One of the S-IV test stages was shipped to McDonnell Douglas for the construction of a mock-up in January 1970. The Orbital Workshop was renamed "Skylab" in February 1970 as a result of a NASA contest... So when they knew they were losing, they threw a few soldiers in low earth orbit, sent signals out from various sats claiming they were from apollo in deep space and fooled the 1960's public. Which was fresh from the duck and cover age and not hard to manipulate. Thousands of people worked to send those men into low earth orbit as they do today, not a conspiracy, just the same as how they ran the Manhattan project earlier. 

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Three crewed missions, designated Skylab 2, Skylab 3, and Skylab 4, were made to Skylab in the Apollo command and service modules. The first crewed mission, Skylab 2, launched on May 25, 1973, atop a Saturn IB and involved extensive repairs to the station.


The crew deployed a parasol-like sunshade through a small instrument port from the inside of the station, bringing station temperatures down to acceptable levels and preventing overheating that would have melted the plastic insulation inside the station and released poisonous gases. This solution was designed by Jack Kinzler, who won the NASA Distinguished Service Medal for his efforts. The crew conducted further repairs via two spacewalks (extravehicular activity or EVA). The crew stayed in orbit with Skylab for 28 days. Two additional missions followed, with the launch dates of July 28, 1973, (Skylab 3) and November 16, 1973, (Skylab 4), and mission durations of 59 and 84 days, respectively. The last Skylab crew returned to Earth on February 8, 1974.

In addition to the three crewed missions, there was a rescue mission on standby that had a crew of two, but could take five back down.

Skylab 2: launched May 25, 1973
Skylab 3: launched July 28, 1973
Skylab 4: launched November 16, 1973
Skylab 5: cancelled
Skylab Rescue on standby

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by James Oberg
First appeared in Air & Space, February/March 1992, pp. 73-79


Obviously the space race is about low earth orbit. About the space stations they were secretly working on. Not the moon they do not care about, that is clearly not the high ground, or nasa would take the high ground. Obviously NASA would not have a problem inhabiting low earth orbit after concurring space to the point of golfing, moon buggies and perfect trips. So money can be the only scape goat now. Blame public interest and not having money from them. That way you cant lose because you are not playing. 

Side Note:
Personal opinion with no facts to back it, but all the common sense and logic considering the reality of the psychological warfare being used about the moon while trying for low earth orbit...

In 1971 Russia saw America was no longer lying about going to the moon and putting everything into their space station program and decided to manipulate NASA to wanting to visit space instead of inhabit space. It is more likely that Russia created the shuttle program by leaking theirs to NASA, NASA thinking that Russia could not inhabit space and possibly no one can thought it was their next move. NASA decided then to start going all in on their shuttle program in secret while closing out the apollo program and giving up on the idea of a permanent station and move towards a shuttle. 

This would make the rest of history make more sense than they have made of it. It is curious why a nation would think taking the high ground is visiting it when others live there. Mhmmm



While both had failed to inhabit low earth orbit NASA was starting to lean towards defunding Apollo, letting go on plans of a space station and looking towards the shuttle program to make short trips often over inhabiting. 

Russia however continued with the Salyut program to great success. Through trial and error they figured out all the problems of inhabiting stable low earth orbit. 


Salyut 2 Launched in1973. It was the first Almaz military space station to fly. Within two weeks of its launch, the station had lost altitude control and depressurized, leaving it unusable. Its orbit decayed and it re-entered the atmosphere on 28 May 1973, without any crews having visited it. 

Salyut 3 launched on 25 June 1974. It was the second Almaz military space station, and the first such station to be launched successfully. It was included in the Salyut program to disguise its true military nature. Due to the military nature of the station, the Soviet Union was reluctant to release information about its design, and about the missions relating to the station. 
Salyut 3 would make history, by conducting the first test-fire of a conventional weapon in space. During Salyut 3’s mission span, cosmonauts would fire the onboard 23mm cannon, which was reported to be a modified Nudelman aircraft cannon. To operate the cannon, the crew had to maneuver the whole space station in the direction of the target.


Salyut 4 (DOS 4) was a Salyut space station launched on December 26, 1974 into an orbit with an apogee of 355 km, a perigee of 343 km and an orbital inclination of 51.6 degrees. It was essentially a copy of the DOS 3 (or Kosmos 557), and unlike its ill-fated sibling it was a complete success. Three crews attempted to make stays aboard Salyut 4 (Soyuz 17 and Soyuz 18 docked; Soyuz 18a suffered a launch abort). The second stay was for 63 days duration, and an unmanned capsule, called Soyuz 20, remained docked to the station for three months, proving the system's long-term durability despite some deterioration of the environmental system during Soyuz 18's mission. Salyut 4 was deorbited February 2, 1977, and re-entered the Earth's atmosphere on February 3rd!





NASA seeing this instantly shifted politically to wanting to fund and participate in their next space station. After failing horribly with Skylab and Apollo being close to decommissioned, having failed to find stable orbit, put up a station and shuttle men to it and inhabit space over long durations.

(about as long as a fake moon trip)

This is what brought about the existence of the last Apollo mission.




What little the public knew about the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) was that it was the first international human spaceflight mission, taking place between the United States and the Soviet Union in July 1975. The nine-day mission's goals included testing docking and rendezvous systems, and the possibility of an international space rescue. The mission marked a brief thaw in the Cold War, and the beginning of a new partnership between the two countries that replaced the previous space race competition with cooperation.


However it was clear through the history of firsts and who was currently capable who the losing team was and showing that the last ditch attempt was to team up with the winning team!


Guess what happened???


The Space Race was not over... Despite the first ever ISS coming to existence the war over inhabiting the high ground was far from over!

NASA was not allowed to participate in the Salyut program due to the numerous lies and political scandals causing the cold war and the space race. Clearly the space race between these two countries was not to the moon, it was who was able to live in low earth orbit. It was to inhabit space.

Now Russia and America are no longer working together and NASA once again does not have the ability to find stable orbit, put up a station and inhabit it with men. Russia comes on hard with their space shuttle program, NASA drops all space station plans fearing Russia will be making their shuttle and advancing to the next possible move in space, short duration visits with a reusable shuttle. 



Shuttle approach and landing test crews, 1976


Nasa having secretly been working on the shuttle since 1972 had a prototype ready within a year of the cancelation of the Apollo program and the failure of the space station it was intended to create. 



Salyut 5, also known as OPS-3, was a Soviet space station. Launched in 1976 as part of the Salyut program, it was the third and last Almaz space station to be launched for the Soviet military. Two Soyuz missions visited the station, each crewed by two cosmonauts. A third Soyuz mission attempted to visit the station, but failed to dock, whilst a fourth mission was planned but never launched.


So while Nasa was trying to learn how to do a better job of just visiting low earth orbit with the shuttle for shockingly the exact same amount of time Apollo took to go to the moon and coming back.  The average mission was a two week orbit with the longest being 17 days at 230 miles out. The same distance out we are inhabiting today and where all the Russian stations have been placed. 


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Meanwhile Russia continued to perfect their space stations with the Salyut 6, DOS-5, was a Soviet orbital space station, the eighth station of the Salyut program. It was launched on 29 September 1977 by a Proton rocket. Salyut 6 was the first space station to receive large numbers of crewed and uncrewed spacecraft for human habitation.


This station brought about the success of the Sayut 7. One of the most important and least known of all the stations. launched on 19 April 1982 on a Proton rocket from Site 200/40 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in the Soviet Union.


 Salute 7, a.k.a. DOS-6, short for Durable Orbital Station was a space station in low Earth orbit from April 1982 to February 1991. It was first crewed in May 1982 with two crew via Soyuz T-5, and last visited in June 1986, by Soyuz T-15. Various crew and modules were used over its lifetime, including 12 crewed and 15 uncrewed launches in total. Supporting spacecraft included the Soyuz T, Progress, and TKS spacecraft.



This space station was so important it has its own movie made about a fire that happened on it once, and yet still its barely known. The success of this station allowed the nearly ten year long goals of a space station to existence. It is now featured in Russia as a point of victory. 

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The Zvezda ISS Service Module (DOS-8)

If Skylab would have had the technology used to raise the station and maintain orbit they would not have failed. But they did not have the ability to invent it, russia did not share it and they instead focused on the shuttle program that did not require it.

Later the DOS-8 evolved into the Mir-2 project, intended to replace Mir. Finally, it became the International Space Station (ISS) Zvezda Service Module and formed the core of the early ISS together with the Zarya module (which was derived from Almaz Functional Cargo Block designs). But lets not get ahead of ourselves. 

This station paved the way for the MIR



Mir, 'peace' or 'world', was a space station that operated in low Earth orbit from 1986 to 2001, operated by the Soviet Union and later by the Russian Federation. Mir was the first modular space station and was assembled in orbit from 1986 to 1996. It had a greater mass than any previous spacecraft. At the time it was the largest artificial satellite in orbit. Mir was the first continuously inhabited long-term research station in orbit and held the record for the longest continuous human presence in space at 3,644 days.

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So the same year that NASA was blowing up shuttles and killing their astronauts Russia was putting up the MIR. While Russia was inhabiting space NASA was struggling to continue where apollo left off in low earth orbit. Far from the golfing, off roading and singing carefree on the moon perfectly each time. Seems going around the earth was harder for them.

So what was NASA's response to the MIR station? What did the losing team do? The same thing they did last time, throw as much money as they can to participate in the winning teams station!



That's right! They did exactly what they did with Apollo Soyuz. Russia had been planning the MIR for years before retiring the Salyut program. On 5 May 1986, Russia undocked from Mir for a day-long journey to Salyut 7. They spent 51 days there and gathered 400 kg of scientific material from Salyut 7 for return to Mir. While Soyuz T-15 was at Salyut 7, the uncrewed Soyuz TM-1 arrived at the unoccupied Mir and remained for 9 days, testing the new Soyuz TM model. Soyuz T-15 redocked with Mir on 26 June and delivered the experiments and 20 instruments, including a multichannel spectrometer. The EO-1 crew spent their last 20 days on Mir conducting Earth observations before returning to Earth on 16 July 1986, leaving the new station unoccupied.

Having retired the Salyut program and the MIR showing great success NASA was quick to start making offers in order to participate. By 1995 Shuttle Atlantis was docking to the Russian space station and nasa had been secretly working with Russia for years on being allowed to participate in the following station, the MIR2. 


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After decades of inhabiting space Russia was clearly the winner of the space race, the more technologically capable and far ahead of NASA in capabilities. So NASA started funneling billions of dollars into the next Russian station. Starting in 1993 with the first deal made by NASA to assist in the MIR2 launch. This deal is what lead to the cooperation of the MIR-Shuttle program and the Atlantis docking in 1995.  

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In 1994 Russia created the piece of the ISS that would control it for the entirety of its lifespan. This is the piece of technology that NASA had failed to invent, control and use to prevent skylab from failing. However Russia had perfected it. This craft was launched into space on a proton rocket in 1998 as Russia began the final process of decommissioning the MIR, just as they had done with the Salyut when moving over to the MIR.  



This is the Russian International Space Station. It was there before NASA put their parts on it. It is the only way NASA can keep their parts in space. Over the decades NASA had failed to inhabit space for long durations. The shuttles longest mission was 17 days... So here is a cold hard fact. NASA cannot inhabit space without Russian crafts keeping them there. Nasa Cannot put up its own station, it has tried and failed. There is no other history and they would not choose to be subject to Russia militarily, financially and politically if they did not have to. 

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NASA later attached their parts to the Russian placed and controlled station. That is far from putting up its own station. The shuttle beginning to age also brought in a new factor to the space race NASA was enduring. And by 2009 the shuttle was to be decommissioned and NASA would end up needing to use Russia, the Soyuz craft, to visit the Russian placed and controlled International Space Station. 

And lets not forget the parts that made all this possible:

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I am not discrediting all the parts NASA put onto Russias space station, but its clear that this station only exists because of Russia. The money America put in did not create it or make it happen in any way, it only allowed them to put all these parts of theirs on Russias station:




NASA officially lost the space race in 2011. The decommissioning of the space shuttle program made it official that Nasa no longer had the ability to visit space as well as inhabit it. The struggle to find stable orbit and put up a station had brought them to seeking a method similar, this method had a few short term gains but in the long run they would need to restart the Apollo program, learn how to find stable orbit and invent the crafts that would be able to maintain that orbit, then provide continuous supply to this station with the new Apollo craft...


At the same time that they would be needing to recreate Apollo they would also be needing to contend with China. They had recently been making deals with Russia that America was not a part of and would assure Russia's assistance in the creation of China's new space station, a new space treaty and a new international partnership. 

Their solution to this problem was the Wolf Amendment:

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I am not discrediting all the parts NASA put onto Russias space station, but its clear that this station only exists because of Russia. The money America put in did not create it or make it happen in any way, it only allowed them to put all these parts of theirs on Russias station:

Nasa has been silent on this while the scientific community has been very clear on the mistakes made in not working with China. Over the course of the next few years it showed to be a truly poor mistake.

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Orion was conceived in the early 2000s by Lockheed Martin as a proposal for the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) to be used in NASA's Constellation program and was selected by NASA in 2006. Following the cancellation of the Constellation program in 2010 it was repurposed for the later Artemis Missions. This craft was the direct response to the aging shuttle program and the reality that NASA will need to learn to remake Apollo and learn to establish its own space station.

That is exactly what Orion was, Apollo remade with todays technologies to go where Apollo went and to accomplish what Apollo did not. The first launch of the Orion space craft was in 2014. Three years after NASA had been grounded they had their first test flight of Orion called " Trial By Fire". This test was to launch the Orion craft to 3600 miles out, unmanned and with a fleet of radiation sensors on it. 

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The Orion program was never set to launch. However NASA received a study from GSI and ESA about deep space radiation that forced the project to move forward and was the reason for the name "Trial By Fire". GSI later published and gave a lecture about the dangers of radiation outside the magntosphere and our needs to over come these challenges. Released on Jun 20, 2014.
Marco Durante dedicated his research efforts to the biophysics of heavy ions and how they can keep astronauts happy and healthy in space.

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So if you are wondering why they do not just make their station outside of low earth orbit its because of the fatal levels of radiation that we cannot shield against. 

" Passive shielding can be a solution on the planet, but not in transit."

- Marco Durante​


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"Shielding will be put to the test as the vehicle cuts through waves of radiation. Sensors aboard will record levels for scientists to study. We must solve these challenges before sending men through these regions of space."

-Kelly Smith, NASA Trial By Fire 




What would make a winner in a space race? Well an objective is needed.  Its clear that inhabiting low earth orbit was the goal. The moon was not.


To win would then require being able to make a craft that could find stability in low earth orbit. A craft that would make it possible to maintain that orbit, also needing the craft finding stable orbit to place it there.

That would be how to win a race to inhabiting space,

to taking the high ground in space.

So how do you lose the space race?


Well I would like to point out NASA in our current point in history.


The 60's was Nasa catching up to Russia in low earth orbit with the craft that would find stable orbit and take up a space station craft.


The 70s Nasa failed to create a station that could maintain orbit.

The 80's was Nasa attempting to visit Russian stations.

The 90's was Nasa attempting to visit Russian stations.


The 2000's was Nasa attempting to hide buying their way

onto the current Russian station.


2011-2015 Nasa had no way to visit the Russian station without paying Russia to take them on their crafts from their soil while they were forced to pay for the things they put on the Russian station. Funneling billions into Russia to fund their invasion of Crimea... 

So how do you win? You accomplish a station when the others cant, you let them make all the wild claims they want while doing it, trick them into a path that leads to them not being able to even visit space without fully funding your wars. 

That is end game. That is why Russia went with

Nasa's claims that it went to the moon.


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 The new space race started with the addition of China. 

Since 2003 they had been launching successful manned space flights. While the shuttle was starting to show its age and NASA was looking towards restarting the Apollo program China had taken note and was fully invested in their own version of Apollo/Soyuz. This was one of the main reasons for the Wolf Amendment.


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Russia and China came together and assisted in the creation of the manned space programs. Eventual forming a new space treaty without Nasa and leaving the 1967 outer space treaty in unknown standings.  


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So in 2015 dawned a whole new space race... And you know what this means?!?

Russia is looking to put up a new station in a few years to replace the aging one they put up in 1998, China is looking to put up its own international space station, Russia started expanding participants in their space endeavors.



The Artemis program was formally established in 2017 via Space Policy Directive 1. The Artemis program is intended to reestablish a human presence on the Moon for the first time since the Apollo 17 Moon mission in 1972. The program's stated long-term goal is to establish a permanent base on the Moon to facilitate humans.


That's right, they cant put men in space like Russia and China, they cannot inhabit space without Russia, and just as the walls are closing in and they are looking at the end of their role in space flight, they make a wild claim they will do something that no one else can, that only they could do that one time and no one has since. They will remake Apollo and use it to go to the moon, this time it's called Artemis!


Like the history we just went over never existed, NASA went right back to thinking that if they just say everything they tried to do with Apollo and Skylab was around the moon it would be different. This time they are assured they will not fail.

So the plan of Artemis is the same as Apollo minus some key points to assure it could be sold to the public not as a loss and failure, but as a new success!


Make a craft that can find stable orbit. This craft was Orion.
Make a craft that can be taken up by Orion and placed in stable orbit and maintain stable orbit without the craft. Use the craft to take humans to the station in orbit.

Obviously NASA intends on looking to put their gateway station in a higher orbit. They make the claim it is the moon but they just send Orion 3600 miles up and the results were clear. Low earth orbit is where the rest of the successful stations are placed for a reason. But this will explain the next several years of Orion, Artemis and NASA's unmanned radiation dummies and probe launches of Artemis and supporting crafts.  

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So literally the entire point of Artemis is to put up a space station.
Nasa lost the first space race and is on its redemption run now. Proving it can go to the moon and can inhabit space... Problem is they still cant even put men in low earth orbit, take them to Russia's space station they pay to put things on... Nasa is grounded. Que Jeff Bezos with Blue Origins and Elon Musk and Spacex.


SpaceX's first crewed mission was the Demo-2 mission, which launched on May 30, 2020, carrying NASA astronauts Douglas Hurley and Robert Behnken to the International Space Station (ISS) on the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft Endeavour. The launch took place from Launch Complex 39-A at Cape Canaveral in Florida, a historic site that was previously used to launch astronauts to the moon and the Space Shuttle. The Demo-2 mission was the first crewed orbital spaceflight launched from the United States since the final Space Shuttle mission in 2011.

Jeff Bezos of Blue Origins was contracted before SpaceX, however before they could begin working with NASA Jeff had this controversial interview about what NASA could do and what we can do today. He was released of his contract after this interview and Nasa went with Elon and SpaceX. 

Nasa was back! New administrator, new private contractors, new mission to the moon and a new sense of winning... Here let the new administrator explain:

Nasa is starting off the new space race by admitting that they are not the best, they are not capable and their best play is to just use Russia and all other companies that might bring them better technologies. 

Meanwhile Russia is not willing to participate with NASA after their new moon landing mission was announced. Tensions increasing bring Russia to a point where they are threatening to leave the ISS, knowing this will cause it to fall as NASA does not have the ability to inhabit space without Russias crafts:


After Russia threatened NASA with pulling out of the ISS and not allowing NASA on their next one, with China looking to put up their station within the year, nasa was desperate to launch Orion again and try to find stable orbit. 

Believing that NASA had found a stable orbit higher in low earth orbit than the Russian or China's stations orbit at 250 miles out. NASA was looking to go where they sent Orion in 2014... Sure they said its going to the moon. But its clear from history this only means they are putting it in low earth orbit. 

Orion in 2014 was a radiation sensor, a large radiation probe. Unmanned and clearly to test the radiation fields in the upper thermosphere (a field of space that is nearly identical to mars in radiation). The ISS is in the lower thermosphere. Their new craft is clearly looking for a new orbit in low earth orbit. However its clear that radiation is much greater and this is their current problem.

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Bill Nelson, the current NASA administrator, spoke about the Orion launch by explaining the mission was to test radiation fields Orion would be traveling through. Nasa again was sending Orion unmanned. This time the put several mannequin's covered in radiation sensors, radiation sensors all over the inside and outside of the Orion craft and why these are important. Because Apollo 13 obviously went where they are sending it, where they sent it in 2014 and they are trying to solve the problems they experienced. The problems GSI said they would experience. Why Jack Swagger was not a senator, why fred hayes got sick and why Jim would go again.  

So its just an unmanned radiation probe, with a lot of hype. They promised a live feed stream of it going to the moon, we did not get it. They promised pictures of the Apollo landing site, they did not get pictures. They had all the opportunity in the world to put cameras all over this craft and show the world the greatest accomplishment of man kind. But they did not. 

So the probe launched. They got back the readings and it was as GSI had shown previously. There is no way humans can be sent past where the current stations are without "active shielding" as shown by GSI. The "Passive shielding" NASA has been using will only work up to around 500 miles out. So now we know where they are trying to put their new station. But it will require new shielding. They started working on lithium ion shielding in 2019 and hoped to apply it to Orion. Meanwhile they can only talk about what works on the ISS and in low earth orbit to the masses to avoid questions as to how Apollo went into deep space without the effects of the deep space radiation we have proven fatal.

Propaganda wars!

Nasa made clear that the shielding they are talking about is not able to shield astronauts in deep space, but only in low earth orbit. Yet they are telling the public that is not the case, that the shielding they have will do.


So are the scientists lying or are the politicians and media lying? 

So the probe launched. They got back the readings and it was as GSI had shown previously. There is no way humans can be sent past where the current stations are without "active shielding" as shown by GSI. The "Passive shielding" NASA has been using will only work up to around 500 miles out. So now we know where they are trying to put their new station. But it will require new shielding. They started working on lithium ion shielding in 2019 and hoped to apply it to Orion. Meanwhile they can only talk about what works on the ISS and in low earth orbit to the masses to avoid questions as to how Apollo went into deep space without the effects of the deep space radiation we have proven fatal.

It literally took 3 tries to launch it though. Leaks caused it to be postponed over and over. Which makes their Artemis mission fantasy, its impossible to imagine they will create industry on the moon to core it, to then process gasses there and transfer gas the same way we fail to on earth.

So while they make grand claims again its clear they are struggling to maintain low earth orbit, deal with the radiation fields in the upper thermosphere and the pressure from Russia and China building new space stations:

This is when the space race ramped up and NASA became incredibly vocal about the importance of the space station, NASA being willing to do anything to maintain the ability to inhabit space as they have since they made the deal to participate in the MIR 2 since 1993.

This is where it gets crazy for NASA and where their troubles come in explaining to the masses why they cannot go back to the moon, why they are struggling to maintain their ability to inhabit space and their ability to finance missions. Nasa promised a live stream from Orion and many other goals meet, none where and the media and public was really starting to notice:

Nasa responded with the administrator and senators doing interviews everywhere

The Media and the public try to figure out why Nasa is trying for the moon when they are clearly needing to focus on low earth orbit space stations. Nasa starts sending out its spokesmen in fleet:

However no matter what grand claims NASA makes about going to the moon, the reality is always presented when the threat thats making the actions is acknowledged. Russia and China are working together. They signed a new space treaty and are expanding their military opperations in low earth orbit.



Tiangong space station is a permanently crewed space station constructed by China and operated by China Manned Space Agency. Tiangong is a modular design, with modules docked together while in low Earth orbit, between 340 and 450 km (210 and 280 mi) above the surface. It is China's first long-term space station. The first module, the Tianhe core module, was launched on 29 April 2021. This was followed by multiple crewed and uncrewed missions.


This makes China and Russia now the only countries

capable of inhabiting low earth orbit.

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The secret military operations of the new Chinese station had NASA once again scrambling to come up with ways to create their own station. China was doing everything that had been done on the ISS over the course of 20 years in a matter of one year. From fish to fire they had done nearly all experiments NASA had and was looking to expand beyond our understandings. They perfected the Canada arm on the ISS and many other tools Russias station had put on it over the years. 

Their station then opened itself to international partners. Esa, Russia, India, etc all became participants to the new Chinese station. 



Nasa's reponse was exatly as the previous administrators stated it would be. Hiring as many private contractors, companies and using all government outlets to create as many Apollo style crafts and space stations as possible. Dozens of companies were contracted, trillions of dollars invested, all technologies made available:

Nasa having never created the technology to inhabit space and relying on Russia has them trailing on all fronts currently. While the goal is to put up a space station, nasa is over stretched with the moon landing claim they are making again and the dozens of companies they have employed to assist with their claims. 


Meanwhile nasa is no closer to being able to inhabit space than when they attempted Skylab. They cant create the technologies they said they used to go to the moon and now it appears those technologies could barely assist in inhabiting low earth orbit. Neil sat down with Nasa to ask about this situation and this was their reposnse:

While America struggles to understand why it cannot go to the moon, why its struggles to inhabit space and why they cant make up their mind if they want to tell us we are in space to explore or to war, Russia and China make no mistakes in showing it is and always was about inhabiting low earth orbit. That the key to winning is allowing the wild false claims of those trailing to play out. While they militarize space and hold the high ground NASA attempts more grand claims while struggling to participate in the current war games.  


Russia is currently removing themselves from the ISS, decommisioning it as they did the Salyut 7, the MIR and now the MIR 2. They are preparing to put up a new Russian station before 2030. 


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This move made Nasa start making grand claims about the ISS and its participation. Russia put it in space and keeps it in orbit, that's been made very clear. However here comes NASA pretending it is responsible for that.


Nasa made huge claims they will need to deorbit the space station in 2030. There is only one reason they would make this claim. They plan on riding it into the ocean after Russia puts up their own and leaves it. 

So Nasa can only scramble to find a company that can create the same technologies Russia has been using to control the ISS and then not only apply it to the ISS but then take on the new challenge of orbital decay... Why Russia is leaving the station and putting up a new one. The age, the orbit and the equipment are why Russia makes new stations. This station is dead. Nasa is clinging to a dead station because they cannot put up their own.  


The YouTube conspiracy channels started going crazy with speculation and talk about the ISS being decommissioned and the need for America to put up its own station. False claims, outright lies and grand fairy tales fill the media streams and people are overwhelmed with false information. Just ask Nasa ignored and did not educate the masses on the radiation exposure problems Orion was facing, they did not correct or inform the masses of the reason for hiring so many companies.


This lead to many of the channels that work with NASA and assist NASA making videos that are not exactly helping NASA's cause and putting more question and doubt out about them than assurance.


"Smarter Everyday" is a channel that Nasa uses to inform the public, like "" and "the Launch Pad" they are Nasa affiliates. Here they are all calling out NASA on the failed Orion mission,

Artemis and the entire mission to the moon:



The common sense question on the tip of everone's tongue!

Well its pretty simple... It Apollo was able to go to the moon, anyone who was needing to go to the moon would make it and go. If we all are remaking versions of Apollo right now and they can only take us into low earth orbit, than Apollo never left low earth orbit. 


Why would NASA waste billions of dollars trying to do something, failing over and over again, wasting all that money when it could just remake the thing that worked perfectly 6 times? Unless it did not do what they claimed and that would be more of a waste of money.


Lets look at this from a theoretical standpoint... What is more likely:

A) Nasa created a technology that worked perfect, sent men to the moon with such ease that golfin, off roading and signing while prancing about was the reality. However people were not amused and so they lost all the technologies, could not be bothered to remake the technologies and wastes billions on doing anything but what works. 


B) They only went into low earth orbit. Could not maintain orbit. Lied about this fact with a grand story that cannot be reproduced because no one can create the technologies to go even to this day. 


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Mike Pence is responsible for the creation of Space Force and this was his take on the Artemis mission. A post turtle. Truly a grand statement about the moon landing and the idea of the Artemis mission. 



Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...

The more things change the more they stay the same...

The space race continues with Nasa and China launching "space planes" that are clearly micro shuttles designed to probe and study fields of low earth orbit. The X37B was launched and shockingly it is going to low earth orbit to study radiation and look for stable orbit not already inhabited.


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Debunking Nasa Since 2014

Ever wonder why NASA does not send people to the moon? Why we are only in low Earth Orbit? This site explains the challenges NASA is currently facing, their attempts to understand and overcome them, and what it means for the space race. 

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