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NASA Debunked

NASA Debunked is a platform dedicated to demystifying common misconceptions and myths surrounding space exploration, technology, and the role of organizations like NASA. Our mission is to provide well-researched and accurate information to answer questions like: Why are we not past low Earth orbit? Why are humans not able to get to the moon? What was the space race really about? What does climate change have to do with the space race? We are committed to promoting scientific literacy and critical thinking in the realm of space science and technology.




This page covers all of the reasons why humans do not leave low earth orbit and why they faked the moon landings. This page will debunk/discredit all claims about the Van Allen Belts, Apollo leaving low Earth orbit and the shielding needed to go to the moon. 


The conspiracy theory that Apollo left the magnetosphere is easily debunked. This page covers all the layers of the magnetosphere and the levels of radiation within them. 


Radiation denial is the go to for 90% of people who are under the impression we went to the moon. Fresh from the "Duck And Cover" age the Moon Landing believers conspire to discredit and denounce the reality that radiation is why humans do not, cannot and will not leave low earth orbit. 


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The Van Allen belts are a fraction of the Magnetosphere. They were the first belts that were discovered and what both sides of the argument use to "debunk" each others claims. 

Guess what, it is not 1957 anymore and we will not be talking about the 1957 VAB studies. They are outdated. We have launched dozens of missions into the magnetosphere to study the various fields over the last couple of decades. These studies will show why humans do not leave low earth orbit.

All presented are NASA affiliates, oh yeah, they have to face their own contradictory information... They said they did but they say they cant. You will also have to face that reality they present. But first here is my take:

???WhAt AbOuT tHe vAN aLlEn BeLTs???

Seriously, what about the Van Allen Belts? These are not the most radiant parts of the Magnetosphere nor are they the reason why humans are not in deep space. While being one of the reasons they are hardly the true problem. 

You can always tell someone is uneducated when they start using the VAB as the reason we are or are not leaving earth. Lets go over why Apollo not only never went through them but stayed out on the other side. 

This presentation was brought to you by NASA and ESA. This study happened because NASA and ESA were looking into deep space exploration during the Bush administration and were looking to send Orion outside the Magnetosphere, however they were wanting to understand what they would need to do so. 

Marco Durante explains here very clearly that radiation outside the magnetosphere is different than radiation within the belts, near the ISS or even on earth. He continues by showing examples of radiation levels and then continues with a video of a human cell being ionized by a particle (radiation) found only in deep space, outside of the Magnetosphere. 

He discusses what it would take to shield our crafts after explaining he is the only one and they are the only place that can simulate these fields of radiation and test human cells within them. He explains that you would either have to be made of radiation, like a marvel character or you would have to have shielding over the current shielding. 

"Passive shielding can be a solution on the planet, but not really in transit"- Marco 

This was after showing the cell ionized by particles, that fill every inch of deep space at all times, going unfathomable speeds in all directions getting ionized in seconds. 


Not days like apollo claimed it was out in it... Not months like it would take to go to mars. Seconds. You can tell a person is uneducated if they think that space is empty and these particles are rare... Just another form of ignorant radiation denial. 

So his solution was to create active shielding, like the planet uses to not be like mars. He suggested electromagnetic fields. Like the Magnetosphere. 

However this is a thing we barely understand and can in no way create to the level of the earths or what's needed to leave earths. As the craft would need something equal to earths to leave it.  


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"Shielding will be put to the test as the vehicle cuts through waves of radiation. Sensors aboard will record levels for scientists to study. We must solve these challenges before sending men through these regions of space."

-Kelly Smith, NASA Trial By Fire 

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The Orion mission was sent 3600 miles up. It was sent for a day and was a direct response to the GSI study. They sent the probe/craft covered with radiation sensors. It was designed to study the effects of radiation on the craft and the cargo within it when passing through The Van Allen Belts. 

Explained by Nasa above the test results showed fatal levels of radiation as GSI has stated they would experience. There was a higher REM count than Apollo received in its entire trip, the Freedom Of Information Act was required to get Nasa to release it.


So Orion went 3600 miles out, but that is not through the belts, that is more into the belts. The uneducated would argue that the reason Orion had more radiation than Apollo was because it was within the belts and Apollo traveled through them fast. 

Those who say that are truly fine examples of the Dunning Kruger Effect. Because that is a flex of ignorance at best. The belts are not the problem as GSI showed. They are just the start of the radiation fields that increase as you go further out. 

Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission


The spacecraft was launched on the 13 of March 2015. The mission is designed to gather information about the microphysics of magnetic reconnection, energetic particle acceleration, and turbulence⁠
— processes that occur in many astrophysical plasmas

What these probes taught us is that there is more radiation in greater fields outside the VAB in the Magnetosheath. The turbulent plasma within the fields between the polar cusps that feed the inner plasma spheres where the VAB reside and the bow shock of the Magnetosphere. 


Now that video covered the reality that the videos from nasa never show the entire magnetosphere, they do not show the true amount of particles and they do not go over the reality of the interaction with SEP and the bow shock. 

Nasa uses a website that posts videos through YouTube. They have a great selection talking about these missions. However they do little to show the radiation levels and the things we will need to shield ourselves from these fields of radiation. 


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So the Van Allen Belts are just the beginning to many greater fields of radiation. Are the VAB dangerous. Well, yes... We cannot be in them for an extended period of time. Our shielding as shown by the Orion launch, the GSI studies and the MMS probes is nowhere near what is needed. 

So to say we just flew through it, that is nonsensical at best. Flying through the Van Allen belts would just bring you into the Magnetosheath which is a greater field of radiation. Flying through the Magnetosheath and into the Bow Shock of the Magnetosphere would just be more radiation than within the Magnetosheath.

The entire point of the bow shock of the Magnetosphere is to deflect the radiation from space. The mass and energy forms a film over the exterior of the Magnetosheath. This film helps deflect 99% of the mass and energy outside of the Bow Shock. 



So can we go through the VAB, Magnetosheath and then the Bow Shock into the solar wind in the interplanetary medium?


That is what GSI lectured on and Marco Durante showed is not possible without Active shielding. 

What is the difference between passive and active shielding?

Passive shielding is transitional metals like aluminum and titanium and lead. Polymers and hydro solutions... Like Kevlar vests, water cooled suits and gasses.

Active shielding is electromagnetic shielding. A byproduct of some Passive shielding like lithium can create tiny amounts of shielding. This could be a solution for going from 250 miles where we are to 500 miles. Otherwise the magnetosphere is the only example we have of active shielding capable of deflecting the mass and energy studies by Orion, MMS and the half dozen other Heliophysics probes sent into the magnetosphere. 

So after the Orion radiation study of the VAB, the MMS study of the Magnetosheath it was clear GSI was correct about their simulations. So Nasa joined ESA on further studies of GSI's findings. 

This was the podcast and what Nasa released about joining ESA and GSI:


So Nasa went on a full fledge propaganda campaign... All the social media outlets were contacted and informed to start sliding in the facts that crafts need more shielding, that we are doing vests and making things thicker and using more hydrogen solutions... but mostly start mentioning that they will need ACTIVE SHIELDING. A force field. A magnetosphere. An electrostatic armor over all the other shielding they are already using. So this video compiles all of the social media presence that covered Nasa confessing that Apollo needed Active shielding to go further out in space than the ISS currently is:


At this point NASA was no longer hiding the reality that the shielding they had on Apollo was no longer able to keep astronauts safe outside the Magnetosphere and that they will need active shielding, shielding that does not exist, over their crafts to go further out than they are in low earth orbit and magnetic fields that will be greater than our earth or equal to leave the Magnetosphere. 

Right about the time NASA was blastin their message all over social media Russia started looking at the moon for Gamma radiation. This yielded interesting results. 



Lets just say that the moon is more radiant than the Chernobyl elephants foot.

The amount of radiation that Russia showed adds another factor to the reality as to why they are not on the moon. GSI made it clear that the deep space radiation outside the magnetosphere is fatal to us and shielding we do not have is required. While the moon does not have the active shielding. Small regions have strand magnetic fields but this is far from the moon having the required magnetic field it would need to shield it from all the solar radiation it has been bathing in since the dawn of the sun.

Side note... If Mars was like earth, but lost its magnetosphere and that is why its dead. We just saw them talk about making a magnetosphere for it, they could make one for the moon as it is identical by their standards. It had volcano's, moon quakes, water (thus oceans) etc. So the moon was once like earth.  



NASA responded to the scientific community with this podcast discussing the Gamma radiation effects on the moon. The things we might be able to do about it and why it appears the way it does.

This was the full podcast, however I would like to emphasize
a specific section they were discussing 

To avoid being accused of cherry picking I wanted to make sure the entire presentation was had for context. However this section really emphasizes the reality as to why they have been speaking so much about needing new suits that can manage the dust on the moon in a way Apollo suits cannot. Its not about the exposure time, but the what they are exposed to. GSI showed the radiation constantly bombarding the moon is fatal to cells without active shielding in seconds.

... One more time in case you did not catch that.

That is right. The moon is so radioactive that the dust on it is literally levitating. The levels of fatal radiation it would be emitting would require shielding that is obviously greater than Apollo had, which is why today they seem to be saying its not possible and why. Making clear only one of two logical possibilities again: 

The radiation they are discovering that makes the moon so radioactive and deep space such a fatal environment is new, and never existed in the time of Apollo and that is why there are these current challenges.

The Nixon administration make a false claim that would set them ahead of their enemies during a time of was in hopes the progress they were making would eventually pay off... But they never left low earth orbit, they sent men where we send them today and not any higher because the levels of radiation.  


"So What" About The Van Allen Belts


So its no longer 1957 and today the VAB are not what people seem to understand. The argument about if we can go through them fast is nonsensical. Like saying that going if you wanted to go into the center of the earth you just need to get past the first foot of lava in a volcano and you will have passed through the hottest part. What comes next is obviously worse. 

So what about the VAB? Well, most people are not even aware there are not only two belts as known and discovered by Van Allen, there are three. Lets also acknowledge that the new study released about the VAB now acknowledges that not only are there more Van Allen Belts but those other lines leaving the picture through the top and bottom are the rest of the magnetosphere that did not exist during the time of Apollo and James Van Allen. 

An Australian physicist in the early 2000's discovered this. Some channels featured these radiation problems and the new information about these new belts in 2016:


The Atmosphere Of The Sun And Probes

The information that NASA had been using comes from several sources, one of these was launched in 2018 called the Parker Solar Probe. It was designed to "touch the raw atmosphere of the sun" according to NASA. 

What is the atmosphere of the sun? Well that would be its solar wind. The first probe to try to touch the outside of the magnetosphere was the Genesis probe. This was an early 2000's probe designed to go to the bow shock of the magnetosphere, open itself and expose itself to raw particles from the suns atmosphere and then launch it in return orbit back towards earth. It was mostly successful, however it failed to deploy its parachutes having its computers damaged from the solar wind exposure.


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The second attempt was the Parker Solar Probe. Its mission to complete the tasks of the Genesis mission. 

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The suns atmosphere is a very vague term. This could mean the surface of the sun or what the sun is emitting, which can extend to the bow shock of the heliosphere. 

So when saying the atmosphere of the sun the reality is anything the sun is emitting without the filter of outside influences like the earths magnetosphere.

Any of these probes would only need to leave the bow shock of the magnetosphere, just past where the MMS missions went when exploring the Magnetosheath.



ESA also released their version of the same missions with the same intent and the same hopes. To touch the bow shock of the magnetosphere and return a sample of a raw particle that GSI simulated or the relevant data from it. 

Orion's 2nd Launch: Artemis 1

The first launch of Orin in 2014 was to 3600 miles out for one day and had more radiation exposure than the entire Apollo trip. We know that the fields above where Orion went in 2014 are worse through the MMS probe studies. So we know this next mission will study the same fields applying todays knowledge, our best shielding upgrade attempts and the understanding of the cell.

In 2022 NASA launched the second flight of Orion with a overwhelming amount of radiation sensors. Ones on board, ones designed to shoot off into space after a certain distance, ones simulating humans etc.  


Here we have Bill Nelson the NASA administrator talking about the launch of Orion with Artemis 1. He explains for the first time there will be no humans on board but instead radiation dummies and sensors. He explains how the dummies are named after the person who helped bring home Apollo 13 safely.

Fun fact about Apollo 13, it was radiation that crippled the spacecraft. Bottom line they tried to go higher than where we are now, they shot for the belts and blew up getting to them. Several reasons. The first being the electronics cannot sustain the environment. They have always been very clear about the effects of solar radiation on the sats in low earth orbit.  I little solar flare and they scream about how they could flip 1's to 0's and not function. 

However it was not the computers that failed as it was the tanks. Oxygen tanks are why it was crippled. The radiation fields as these heavy particles that exist in the belts and outside of them penetrated the O2 tanks, causing expansion. Bi radical O2 molecules split, the expansion had no where else to go. It blew out the weakest point, the valve.

Then there is the crew of Apollo 13 and the radiation exposure they got going about 1,000 miles out. While they may claim that they received less than 1Sv of exposure its interesting that the men were sick with radiation sickness to the point that Fred Hayes almost died in the craft from it. Jack died after coming home and Jim was treated several times. Two out of three died of the radiation sickness that Marco Durante of GSI said they would experience if going into those regions of space.

This is why Orion launched in 2014 with no O2 tanks, no people on and they said they must solve the radiation problems before they send humans into these regions of space. 

This is why they are relating the Apollo 13 mission with these radiation test dummies and this unmanned flight.

SO they started dropping it to the public that they need better shielding to go further into space:

NASA contracted and looked towards every single academic establishment on the planet to assist in the research on shielding types and solutions for over coming the challenges the GSI pointed out. The results were the same or worse. The constant result was that there would be at least 1-2 SV per day in deep space. The ISS only gets 1-2 SV of radiation exposure per year according to NASA sensors given to these universities. Their response was the same, to leave earths Magnetosphere you will need to create one of equal or greater for the crafts.

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So NASA has put as many possible types of radiation tests on this new Orion launch as possible. As the presentation shows above the only solutions are as Marco Durante pointed out before the launch of the last Orion mission. 

However GSI had simulated what would happen to raw tissues, so the goal now was to send Orion with raw tissue samples:

So NASA has put as many possible types of radiation tests on this new Orion launch as possible. As the presentation shows above the only solutions are as Marco Durante pointed out before the launch of the last Orion mission. 

However GSI had simulated what would happen to raw tissues, so the goal now was to send Orion with raw tissue samples:

I just wanted to make sure you heard that correctly... A years worth of radiation inside the Magnetosphere is equal to one day outside of it. Over and over they say why Apollo never left low earth orbit. 

Lets go over something really simple. If the ISS, in the Magnetosphere, gets 2 Sv a year but you get 2 Sv a day in deep space outside the Magnetosphere then Apollo would show Apollo 14 being exposed to 28 Sv, or at best 14 Sv. Which is 2800 REM or 1400 REM. However Apollo showed lower REM counts than Orion in 2014, the MMS mission and all simulated data. Apollo showed only 1.14 REM which is 0.0114 Sv. This proves that Apollo never left low earth orbit. 


Side Note About Artemis And The Duck And Cover Radiation Denial Era:

NASA has always used turtles for its mascots. However if you are not familiar with the duck and cover turtle mascot the government used for their nuclear weapons propaganda, I suggest you check it out. 


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When NASA released the video showing those two girls doing the duck and cover in Orion and talking about how they hope that might shield them, it was not surprising that the mascot for the Orion and Artemis missions was a turtle. An ohmage to Bert.

However it was almost too much fun when Mike Pence, who created the Space Force to defend against low earth orbit threats, made the Artemis team a cake and tweeted about it after meeting them and calling them "Post Turtles"

When it came time to launch Artemis it took them three times trying to transfer fuel and prepare it. Which brings into question the entire point of the mission. If they can barely transfer fuel here on earth how likely is it they will be able to core the moon, build huge plants to process it and then storage systems and then transfer stations and launch pads... Or SpaceX wants to send like three dozen starships into low earth orbit and then use them to go to mars. Defeating the point of Artemis. 

Finally on the third launch attempt, just as the media and general population started questioning why NASA cannot seem to repeat Apollo, they set off out of cameras views! However they promised such grand things by the end of the mission everyone was very disappointed. They promised a live stream HD video coming and going to the moon. They promised detailed high resolution pictures of the surface of the moon and they said they would be taking the most detailed pictures of the moon landing sites, for once being pictured with a real camera and not and infrared laser or low quality b&w digitally imposed.

 So did they do any of that???



Obviously the press called them out during and after the mission. And as expected, nothing but some blurry pictures of the moon most peoples S23 Galaxy Samsung can get and some random video feeds of more questionable sizes of the moon to earth. All in world of AI images these are not shocking. 

However they launched the radiation probe again and NEVER RELEASED THE REM/SV RADIATION LEVELS OF THE MISSION!

So what was NASA's next step? Obviously the same thing they did with Apollo and everything else that hit the ceiling and could not go further...


Shockingly NASA was defunded and congress was just soooooo shocked when hearing what going to space costs. It was not five minutes before this the same people were saying they were fine with this amount:  

So expect to hear a lot about how NASA cannot afford the space station it was going to put up, the moon landing it swears it could do and instead put all focus on how to shield from radiation inside the Magnetosphere.

Five minutes later:


Oh look, the secret crafts that NASA and China were working on for the last couple years finally launched and their missions are to find stable orbit in the magnetosphere and to open their raw tissues to the solar winds for radiation testing. Looking for stable orbit this time in any sweet spot they can find in the belts like Russia and China have found and use. But instead of 230 miles out this was launched 28,000 miles out.

Now I am sure this will all continue as humans seek to find new ways to shield against the radiation in each field of space as we venture outwards. However in the meantime its clear that it went down like this:

In the 60s they reached space, they probed as far as they could and sent men into low earth orbit.

In the 70's they tried to inhabit it. 

In the 80's they tried to use the shuttles to study why they cant go further out. 

In the 90's they struck a deal with Russia to use their stations to study why they cannot go further out.

In the 2000's they started thinking about going out and sending more probes. Genesis, this was the beginning.

By 2010 we knew what we needed to study and were ready to simulate before creating Orion to find stable orbit. 

2014 brought the simulated data and then Orion's launch, higher REM count than Apollo at 3600 miles in one day than the two weeks apollo orbited.

So MMS probes... Maybe higher has a stable spot? Nope. Worse.

So Solar and Parker, But nope, still more radiation.

Then Russia shows the Gamma radiation of the moon and now we cant because of dust, need new suits and everything. Apollo did what again in that radioactive dust? Oh yeah, golfed and buggied, right. 

Then NASA says the dust is so radiant it levitates, burns the face of the surface and makes its own magnetic fields causing more directed radiation into it. 

Then they launch Orion again, with all the sensors and ideas they have... Then they find its worse than they thought. The radiation in deep space in one day is equal toa years worth in the magnetosphere. 

So we launch a secret mission that gets leaked and is about finding stable orbit, for a new station, in a field with greater radiation but possible manageable with new lithium ion shielding... If we could just invent it:


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The newest program, not yet fully invented and applied is the DERDS mission. A prototype that is making small localized EMP pulses creating small fields of active or electromagnetic shielding. Now these things are not enough to protect humans, or the entire craft but they are strong enough to shield the electronics, on say missions like Orion at 3600 miles or even the new spy plane at 28,000 miles. 


NASA is very clear that this prototype is the beginning and much greater shielding will be needed to send humans this far out into space. However this makes one indisputable fact, Apollo did not have this shielding. Apollo did not receive any of the radiation that Orion, MMS, Parker or solar, Orion again received. 
Apollo never left low earth orbit.


Today NASA Stats clearly that they are in the fields showing blue on the right and highlighted in red on the left. The first belt is from 80-200 miles, this is why humans are not in it. Then from about 200 to 350 miles up there is that first blue fuzz. This is where humans are. This is where the ISS is and all other stations and crafts we send with people. 

Then there is the black area, this is space we are not in because it is too close to larger regions on radiant fields. The belts start about 1,000 miles out. This is the other fields shown. If we could get through them we are hoping to find stable orbit in that next field of blue.  And just as below the pattern continues, as does the strength of radiation fields. The black is larger because of the larger Magnetosheath, compared to the VAB.

So NASA hopes to use their new vests, the aluminum, titanium, polymer, hydrogen solutions and the new DERDS system to get into the next possible habitable zone. Thus all the missions, trillions of dollars and why its not the same as Apollo, but exactly the same as Apollo. Why the news is confused why we cant, why the signals are not like the ISS and when Apollo live streamed.

The video that started this all off is more true than ever and if you passed it up back there now is the time to take a look: 

So where are we in space? 230 miles up. What was the highest we went in space? Well Nixon claimed the moon, but its clearly not possible and no one can today. So they went where we all go today. So the highest was the Dragon at a little over 450 miles and the shuttle at a little over 350 miles. Third place is the ISS at 230 miles and then there is the winners without claim rights. Apollo 13 seems to have gone near 1,000 ft and it cost two of them their lives due to cancer they could not beat that GSI said they would get. Failed electronics and radiated tanks expanded and exploded. Unmanned winners go to Orion for habitable crafts and Solar/Parker for furthest out!

What's next?


Nasa Launches SpaceX Dragon Polaris Dawn Crew Into Van Allen Belts

NASA is set to launch another radiation test into the Van Allen Belts. The first two Orion launches, the first Artemis launch was into these higher fields of radiation and the test results showed fatal levels of radiation past 3600 miles. So this test is to see if they can go close to 1000 miles into earths atmosphere. This will be the highest orbital mission for humans. Higher than Apollo and all the Shuttles and higher than the previous dragon mission Inspiration.


It is clear that their intentions is to test the radiation levels in a new orbit, similar to the polar orbit that China has placed their space station in. This mission is designed to test the latest in shielding just launched on the previous Orion missions and that exact reason is why there are two females. Who just happen to be health specialists in the fields of cancer research and working for and with the most prestigious cancer research center. 

Curious how this seems to bring more light and weight to the theory that Apollo 13 went 1000 miles up and that is why they are testing new electronics, the tanks and suits are different and they are not denying this time the intent is to figure out why that crew got sick. 5 days instead of two weeks and this time they are ready.

However you can be assured that NASA will not release the radiation levels just as they refused to release them for the previous Orion launches in 2014 and 2022.

The ISS gets 2 Sv a year of radiation exposure. In 7 hours and only 3 orbits they will get .35 Sv, equal to 3 months on the ISS, when at 450 miles up. A years worth in one day outside the magnetosphere. Apollo had what again? Clearly it was only about 350 miles up.

Artemis Radiation Results Bring More Tests: 

While the world gets ready for the launch of Polaris Dawn the Orion team is hard at work testing the DERD's program.

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Debunking Nasa Since 2014

Ever wonder why NASA does not send people to the moon? Why we are only in low Earth Orbit? This site explains the challenges NASA is currently facing, their attempts to understand and overcome them, and what it means for the space race. 

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