It is very obviously these days that NASA cannot go to the moon. No one can. They all try and fail and low earth orbit is as far as they send humans. But why??? Why can they not and do they say why they cannot? YES!
However each time they release the information people who believe we went to the moon and can refuse it. They just outright deny it. I would like to share an example of what I read and see on a daily basis on social media:

You conspiracy theorists refuse that NASA today has said that radiation is why they do not and cannot go to the moon. They release studies about the radiation levels outside the magnetosphere are 1-2 Sv a DAY and you get 3 months of ISS radiation in hours at 450 miles into space. Because it proves Apollo's radiation levels show they never left low earth orbit.
A years worth of radiation in one day outside the magnetosphere NASA says in 2023:
At only 450 miles NASA says they get 3 months worth of ISS radiation exposure in 7 hours at 450 miles up:
However every time I share NASA saying they cannot and why You conspiracy theorists call it lies, cherry pick it and try to use studies it discredited to discredit it. Nothing but cognitive dissonance, the dunning kruger effect and out right denial are all they seem to have in defense. They instantly become the party of projectors. Why? Case in point the screen shots here and his denial, use of outdated information, then the narcissism about how he understands what he clearly does not and being a fine example of the Dunning Kruger Effect. Meanwhile NASA is very clear and just because shared nasa did not discredit nasa or change what they shared.
The moon is more radioactive than the elephants foot kiddos:
I understand that all you conspiracy theorists that think we can go to the moon refuse the facts presented by nasa and call it lies when people share what nasa released that shows why they cannot and do not, why Apollo could not and did not... But the reality is nasa releases daily why they cannot, and all you nixon era propaganda zealots do is deny it, call it lies and post outdated studies nasa posted long before their new studies like outdated studies discredit the new studies that discredited the new studies.
Your inability to grasp science is not a valid argument against it....
You people have no facts. You propose theories and opinion as fact. But heres a fact moon hoaxers just hate. There are 72 other space agencies on the planet, some hostile towards the US There are thousands of universities on the planet with science labs There are hundreds of observatories around the planet They all combine millions of engineers and scientist for over 50 years of research and development. Guess what they all have in common. They all know (without exception) we landed on the moon. So do tell us, out of all the space agencies, observatories, universities, and science labs around the world, which ones support the moon hoax theories? I'll save you some time. NONE