hOw CoUlD tHeY FAkE tHIs???

This was the original footage they released. Everything you see online today is just fake. Its edited. Yes I said edited. The photos have been doctored. No, I did not say CGI, however...
If we had a nickel for each time someone said there was no CGI in the time of Apollo and that is why the pictures could not be faked... They are constantly suggesting that they believe in flying saucers and bigfoot.

Or at least this is implied as they are stating the pictures could not be faked. Always the following claim that it would cost too much to fake it than to just go. Well decades later the whole world is till trying and no one can, but we have countless movies with humans on it, tv series and fantasy shows while we can barely get humans into low Earth orbit as Apollo did.
Top all that reality off with a cherry that is the fact NASA faked the pictures and going right in front of everyone. Under the illusion of practice. While Neil crashed here, he did not in the movies! Filmed at Langley and in Nevada as practice and with splicing with low earth in craft footage from their missions it was no longer questionable by those who were a part of it. Another example of how hundreds of thousands of people worked together to just send men into space beyond where they see. As we do today!

They set up huge stations and made scale replicas.

They made three dimensional models of the moon and filmed landings

So pictures went from the top to the bottom and no one really noticed.

Just like no one really acknowledges that they pictures that were the proof we went started like this:

And today are this:

I can count the wrinkles in the gold foil on the landers leg in his visor this pictures so clear. But these are not fake pictures. Clearly they can and did fake it, even the movies these days are laughing about them doing it... The reality that no one can go and all try and fail today combined with they admitted to faking it for practice, it takes a simple man not to put together they never went to the moon and these pictures and videos are the fakes. Debunked.