How many times have you heard someone say that they could not have faked the moon landing because the pictures are proof? How many times did those people say it would be impossible to fake the pictures and that is would cost more to just go than fake it?
How could they fake this:

Well it seems that NASA, if they had the ability to go into space, to control their crafts and return safely they would be able to fake THIS picture. This was the picture, the video that they used to convince the world in 1969 they had landed on the moon. This picture is easily faked. So what does that mean its fake? Well considering that men still cannot go to the moon, the world is trying and China and Russia cannot. They however can put up their own space stations, control them and send men to and from them with ease. NASA simply cannot still. They put up skylab, its failed and they never tried again. They bought seats on the Russia station called the MIR2 and then renamed it to the ISS. They use private contractors like Boeing for apollo, orion and starliner and Spacex for dragon. They use and always have used private companies to go into space, since the beginning. Still nasa struggles from the 60's to now just to visit space with their crafts. RIP shuttles.
So the world is trying and failing, other nations are more advanced and they still cannot. Aside from that common sense showing why it is fake, lets talk about what makes it fake. "ThEy DiDn'T HaVE cGi BaCK tHEn"
Nope, and if you think that means this is a real picture than you must also think that these are real pictures. All are from the same era they did not have CGI... So you must think that Aliens and Bigfoot are real, obviously they could not fake these pictures.

People still believe they are real and this is proof, just like those who think that grainy black and while picture is really a man on the moon... When science is clear why no one is going today.
There is not a picture or video that you can look at today that is of the original footage. They are all computer edited, CGI, fake AI and photoshopped nonsense.
If you think it went from that first picture shown to this:

SO while you are marveling at the fake pictures that are all over google, the reality is that the CIA had set up facilities to fake all these pictures, videos and worked with all the astronauts (who were just 12 soldiers saying what they were told would make america win against russia during a time of war) in making these fake videos and pictures.
They even made a new movie about how they faked it:
In reality they never even tried to hide it:

There are only fake computer enhanced and generated pictures to prove they did what still to this day cannot be done, no matter, by anyone, period. They say they are going. Then they launch unmanned radiation probes and then say they are broke.
Rinse and repeat. They cannot, they did not, they lost the space race and can barely visit space when going all in today.
They clearly lost the space race and these fake pictures, this failed propaganda has only caused America to be great while in denial of why they cannot be great.