Nasa claims that you will get a YEARS worth of radiation in ONE DAY. They are reporting with the launch or Artemis and the Orion craft that humans that leave the magnetosphere, earths active shielding, will require more than the passive shielding that Apollo, Soyuz, Dragon or even the ill fated Starliner are made of. No polymer, hydrogen solution or transitional metals can stop these heavy particles in deep space from passing right through them and causing cancers and death to the organics within them.
You can say that the VAN ALLEN BELTS are not the problem, you can say radiation is not a problem. But NASA sure is saying they are and it is! Orion keeps launching radiation sensors and dummies instead of people. Because the problem is radiation.
Lets make sure you caught that...
That is right. That is NASA. We just shared NASA saying that a days radiation in deep space is equal to a years worth within the earths magnetosphere. Well...
Lets go over something really simple. If the ISS, in the Magnetosphere, gets 2 Sv a year but you get 2 Sv a day in deep space outside the Magnetosphere then Apollo would show Apollo 14 being exposed to 28 Sv, or at best 14 Sv. Which is 2800 REM or 1400 REM. However Apollo showed lower REM counts than Orion in 2014, the MMS mission and all simulated data. Apollo showed only 1.14 REM which is 0.0114 Sv. This proves that Apollo never left low earth orbit.

So if Apollo went outside the magnetosphere it does not show it in their radiation levels. They show levels that you would find in low earth orbit, not much further than the ISS currently gets.
Orion launching in 2014 also proves that Apollo never left low earth orbit, in fact it shows they never went into the van allen belts, the magnetosheath or crested the bow shock of the magnetosphere into the interplanetary medium where NASA says you get a years worth of radiation in one day.
This is NASA saying that they are not able to send men through these regions of space with the passive shielding that Apollo and all crafts, including Orion, are made out of:
NASA just said they cannot send men past low earth orbit again. They said it with both launches of Orion/Artemis when saying they are going to send men to the moon. They say they cannot go to the moon because of radiation. FUN FACT:
THE RADIATION LEVELS THAT ORION EXPERIENCED WAS THREE TIMES THE AMOUNT IN ONE DAY THAN APOLLO EXPERIENCED IN TWO WEEKS! Now to prove or disprove this you need to file a freedom of information act with the government to get them to RE release the REM count from that mission. Same with the current Artemis 1 launch of Orion where they said that you get a years worth in one day.
So how much radiation is in deep space? 2 Sv a day nasa said... But dont take my math for it, here is ESA and NASA asking GSI to show not only what would happen to our cells when these particles in deep space pass through our crafts and hit our organics. Marco Durante showed in 2014, before Orion launches and the claims that debunk Apollo about radiation levels outside the Magnetosphere, that there is at least 700 mSv, which is the amount nasa is now claiming is in deep space, but not within earths magnetosphere.
Which proves that there is less radiation in the belts than outside them and outside the magnetosphere.
But NASA knows this as they have been studying the belts outside the known 1957 Van Allen Belts... There are dozens of heliophysics satellites surrounding the earth and measuring all regions of the Magnetosphere.
Take the MMS missions NASA sent into the Magnetosheath past the Van Allen Belts. These probes showed far more radiation than in the lower VAB region.
James Van Allen was right in 1957, but now he is not. His studies are no longer applicable as these new studies have shown his claims false. Orion cannot just take the polar cusps and ride through the VAB fast, it would just lead them into the magnetosheath today which has more... If they went faster through that they would only end up in more as Orion's launch showed and why nasa says it would be a years worth of radiation in one day.
All of this is with all available shielding capabilities. There are ideas, active shielding options that could allow them to shield in fields where Orion launched in 2014, at 3600 miles. But even this is not safe and that is why Orion is unmanned, packed full of radiation sensors, dummies and launching individual radiation probes from it in transit.
So Dr. Van Allen was right in 1957, but he is not right today. NASA said so here. NASA did. We relayed it. FFS he said there was only two belts and nothing else... Today we know that just the VAB region has at least three belts and there are dozens of belts above/outside the ones he predicted.

We are literally hoping that if we can create new active shielding to put over over passive shielding we would make it from the first arrows region of space we are currently at, to the next field of blue we believe is habitable with greater shielding. We are 230 miles up... The next region is 3600 miles up... According to John Hopkins when asked by NASA to define the bow shock of the magnetosphere they said that it extends a little over 44,000 miles out:
That is why NASA is currently going to defund the Artemis program and focus on a space station in low earth orbit. Because this is as close as they have come to even thinking about how to create the shielding apollo would need to go to the moon, or Orion:

On a final note, to put a cherry on top of it all... NASA is never going to put men on a celestial body that has dust that is so radiant that it levitates...

Russia released this picture, showing that the moon is almost entirely Gamma radiation. This picture also helps to probe the point that it is not just the solar winds and CMB that is radiation in deep space, but the moon itself is a giant ball of radiation. Bathed by the suns solar wind without a magnetosphere since the dawn of time. Worse than mars if they say mars was like earth. So if mars is radiant and the soil is a problem, the moon is worse and nasa knows it...
So NASA said it:
That is right, the moon is pure Gamma radiation!
Did you catch that thing NASA said there about its so radioactive that the dust levitates as well as the moons burnt:
So sure Apollo golfed and off roaded moon buggies in dust that is Gamma radiation and so radiant it levitates. But now you know why they are saying dust is a problem when Apollo claimed it was not a big deal! I hope you enjoyed NASA debunking NASA and all the reasons why NASA said it cannot do what NASA said it did. No one can, no one is, all try and fail and the best we can do is fight over low earth orbit and who can inhabit it:
But wait, there is more as of 8/19/2024:
This morning NASA released the SpaceX interview with the Polaris Dawn crew. They went off on how they are going higher than any orbit in human history, they will be the highest flown manned mission. They are doing this as the leading cancer research center, continuing the studies from GSI and Orion in 2014. They are going to test the Orion shielding from vests to alternative materials. They make clear the radiation levels in these upper atmosphere.
ORION IN 2014: Launched as an unmanned radiation probe. Went 3600 miles up and nasa said radiation is why we cannot send men here.
NASA/Spacex Inspiration: Now this mission was a NASA mission to test radiation shielding they had been working on in order to go from 250 miles up to about 500 miles up. Vests, lithium shielding, water and hydrogen based solutions all were tried with this mission.
Orion in 2022: Launched as an unmanned radiation probe. Packed full of radiation sensors, radiation dummies and radiation probes it will launch off it. Nasa said that one day in deep space is equal to a years radiation on the ISS.
NASA/Spacex: Polaris Dawn to launch in 2024 to send two men and two women from the worlds leading cancer research center (same purpose as the Orion dummies missions) to the lowest parts of the Van Allen Belts, claiming this is the highest manned mission in orbit! furthest out at 1500km, goals to expose astronauts at 700km to radiation. Taking an polar orbit the same as Apollo claimed it went to touch the radiation belts. So NASA has made it very clear that they are not able to go through the Van Allen Belts, or the belts beyond it. The amount of radiation levels are clearly the problem, the shielding is clearly not capable of working and we are not willing to send people into the belts or past them still. Say anything you want in denial of NASA presenting these studies, they cannot, they are not and they will not send men past low earth orbit and you will all die watching them probe and refuse to go. They will always defund themselves before they admit they cannot, or did not, they will just show they cannot, claiming they did and will soon as they figure out how.
And now the Polaris dawn is being launched and NASA and its scientists are saying that you will get about .35 Sv in hours at 450 miles in space. The ISS gets 2 Sv a year, they are saying you will get nearly 3 months of radiation exposure from the ISS in 7 hours in 3 orbit at 450 miles up.
However they just happen to be sending the worlds leading doctor and owner of the most prestigious cancer research center on this mission. Such lucky "civilians" that are decades long prepared and NASA trained as astronauts.