You know you are about to get blasted by one of the finest examples of the dunning kruger effect when you get someone saying that we went through the Van Allen Belts fast to the other side and that is how they did.
They always come at you right off the bat with the 1957 study about the belts from Van Allen himself like its the end all and mic drop.

They always come flying off the handle with this picture and description about how Apollo had bla bla bla trig going right out the top of it and that is how they avoided it and everything is ok... This is some 1957 duck and cover age nonsense and should be treated like if someone told you to cover under a desk if a nuke went off next you.
Meanwhile today we know of at least three belts, not two... And it is not that its just the VAB anymore either. Note all the other lines in the graphics released by NASA in their pictures. They are of the rest of the Magnetosphere:

Now the problem is not that the VAB have fatal radiation levels, its how these fields get their radiation that is the problem. These fields are feed through polar cusps, these are the lines represented in the picture above. So to fly through this fatal radiation they say you need to travel the polar cusps... But where do they lead in todays world??? The magnetosheath! This field of the magnetosphere was discovered in detail with NASA's MMS mission. https://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/

Guess what!?! There is more radiation in those fields that in the VAB! When they launched Orion, the craft that is supposed to carry humans to the moon, in 2014 to just under this area (at 3600 miles) it received more radiation in one day than the entire Apollo trip. This is why the ISS is only 230 miles up. Why we do not go into the belts or through them.
... Clears throat and speaks in Billy Mays voice: But wait, there's more!
The magnetosphere is designed to deflect 99% of the suns solar winds, the CME and the solar flares... It even blocks most cosmic background radiation. However there is that pesky one percent that makes it through, get stuck and just causes that electromagnetic reconnection and slowly funnels down the cusps until it reaches us. Like a perfect filter, layer after layer.

Now lets recap people's claims. They say we went through the purple area aka the VAB that's now called the plasma sphere and traveled out through the polar cusps into the plasma mantle and then into the magnetopause... Then into the magnetosheath and then breaking the bow shock and going into the solar wind in interplanetary medium, what we call deep space. So there is 100% fatal radiation in deep space. But the magnetosphere deflects 99% of it at all times. Yet about 1% slips through the bow shock and then through electromagnetic reconnection it filters its way from the magnetosheath through the natural points to the polar cups and into the VAB, or the plasmasphere.
So if their claim that the 1% of radiation in the VAB is fatal they have shot down their own point. Flying through the 1% into 100% of it, to spend days at a time, is fatal. Nasa knows this and that is why they launched Orion on the Artemis 1 launch with radiation dummies, sensors and probes to deploy when sending it into these fields. This is also why they still have not released the REM/Sv information about the exposure. They simple said that a day in deep space is equal to a year within the magnetosphere.
So what did Apollo need to go through the VAB and then all the other belts and then into deep space and survive being out there for weeks???
TADA! I present NASA and ESA working with GSI to understand how to shield form the particles that are not on earth or in low earth orbit where the ISS is.
Then NASA told you on all social media platforms there are that we cannot and why we cannot:
Then they tell you about how the moon is a giant ball of fatal Gamma radiation:

Russia releases this picture of the moon through their telescope measuring Gamma radiation and levels in space and finds the moon the be the biggest source... NASA follows up with this by admitting that the moon is so radiant that the dust on it levitates and there are burn scars covering the moon because of the extremely fatal levels of radiation penetrating it.
So while you are all distracted with being told that its the suits that need replaced because the dust is just so fine they cant keep it out, its just a distraction from them already saying its so radiant its worse then the elephants foot in Ukraine. The. Dust. Levitates. They. Said.
So can you go through the Van belts. Sure.. But that is like saying you can go through the first few inches of the lava coming out of a volcano. Th deeper you go into space the worse the radiation levels get. We are only 230 miles up. The first belt is just under the ISS. It is why it was so hard for the 60's space race to happen. Finding the sweet spot between the first and the other two belts was not easy for both nations. But where there is blue in their graphics there is also the least amount of fatal radiation.
So clearly NASA hopes to use this new shielding they are working on in 2024, active shielding, to cover their passive shielding that Apollo to Dragon use. Because only Passive shielding works in fields we are in. If they want the second arrow they need both and it does not exist yet. Thus Apollo did not have it, thus apollo was in the first arrows fields.

So yeah, they are 230 miles up, thats where they went, not the moon. Military missions with soldiers who said what needed in a time of war to win for the people. Meanwhile we cannot go past where we are today, the radiation fields are why and there is little to no hope that we will get better tech to get us even to the next field at 3600 miles where they sent orion in 2014 and I am sure again with Artemis.. We cannot fathom the fields of energy hitting the bow shock of the magnetosphere. We can only hope to someday accurately study them with the parker and solar probes launches. Because the suns atmosphere is just on the other side of the bow shock of the magnetosphere at 44,500 miles out!
This morning NASA released the SpaceX interview with the Polaris Dawn crew. They went off on how they are going higher than any orbit in human history, they will be the highest flown manned mission. They are doing this as the leading cancer research center, continuing the studies from GSI and Orion in 2014. They are going to test the Orion shielding from vests to alternative materials. They make clear the radiation levels in these upper atmosphere.
ORION IN 2014: Launched as an unmanned radiation probe. Went 3600 miles up and nasa said radiation is why we cannot send men here.
NASA/Spacex Inspiration: Now this mission was a NASA mission to test radiation shielding they had been working on in order to go from 250 miles up to about 500 miles up. Vests, lithium shielding, water and hydrogen based solutions all were tried with this mission.
Orion in 2022: Launched as an unmanned radiation probe. Packed full of radiation sensors, radiation dummies and radiation probes it will launch off it. Nasa said that one day in deep space is equal to a years radiation on the ISS.
NASA/Spacex: Polaris Dawn to launch in 2024 to send two men and two women from the worlds leading cancer research center (same purpose as the Orion dummies missions) to the lowest parts of the Van Allen Belts, claiming this is the highest manned mission in orbit! furthest out at 1500km, goals to expose astronauts at 700km to radiation. Taking an polar orbit the same as Apollo claimed it went to touch the radiation belts. So NASA has made it very clear that they are not able to go through the Van Allen Belts, or the belts beyond it. The amount of radiation levels are clearly the problem, the shielding is clearly not capable of working and we are not willing to send people into the belts or past them still. Say anything you want in denial of NASA presenting these studies, they cannot, they are not and they will not send men past low earth orbit and you will all die watching them probe and refuse to go. They will always defund themselves before they admit they cannot, or did not, they will just show they cannot, claiming they did and will soon as they figure out how.
And now the Polaris dawn is being launched and NASA and its scientists are saying that you will get about .35 Sv in hours at 450 miles in space. The ISS gets 2 Sv a year, they are saying you will get nearly 3 months of radiation exposure from the ISS in 7 hours in 3 orbit at 450 miles up.
However they just happen to be sending the worlds leading doctor and owner of the most prestigious cancer research center on this mission. Such lucky "civilians" that are decades long prepared and NASA trained as astronauts.