While Orion makes the claims of being the furthest human capable craft from Earth it is simple a radiation probe no different than the Solar or Parker Probes. Human space flight has yet to leave the magnetosphere... While Apollo made grand claims about where it went, it was clearly shown to have been a response to the Salyut7 Program and Russia looking to inhabit low earth orbit. Which they won the space race by inhabiting space and taking the high ground from 1971- 1998 when finally NASA paid to be a part of the MIR2. Until that moment NASA could only visit space for a few weeks while Russia had been inhabiting it for decades: https://www.nasadebunked.com/the-space-race
So what was the highest human space flight missions? Well its hard to say what Russia actually did, because they do not say, so we can only assume they killed people and sent people further. In hopes that NASA was just unwilling to go to the extremes Russia had to accomplish all things before NASA we can assume that the shuttle mission was the highest flight for a crewed mission they were honest about... We all know that Apollo 13 was them actually trying for the belts and that is why the crew got sick, two out of three of them got the cancer GSI's Marco Durante said they would in those regions and why we have not sent men in Orion's launches. So the mission that went the highest was the STS-31 Shuttle mission!
The Space Shuttle Discovery's STS-31 mission on April 24, 1990 achieved the highest altitude ever reached by a shuttle orbiter at 621 kilometers (386 miles), or apogee. The mission's primary payload was the Hubble Space Telescope, and the crew was able to take photos of Earth's large-scale geographic features that are not visible from lower orbits.
According to Space Math @ NASA, the STS-31 mission in 1990 had a radiation dosage of 983 milliRads. The mission's astronauts spent 118 hours in orbit at an altitude of 330 nautical miles, where the radiation dosage was about 200 milliRads per day.

The mission marked the flight of an 5 kg (11 lb) human skull, which served as the primary element of "Detailed Secondary Objective 469", also known as the In-flight Radiation Dose Distribution (IDRD) experiment. This joint NASA/DoD experiment was designed to examine the penetration of radiation into the human cranium during spaceflight. The female skull was seated in a plastic matrix, representative of tissue, and sliced into ten layers. Hundreds of thermo-luminescent dosimeters were mounted in the skull's layers to record radiation levels at multiple depths. This experiment, which also flew on STS-28 and STS-36, was located in the shuttle's mid-deck lockers on all three flights, recording radiation levels at different orbital inclinations.

While they reported seeing cosmic rays while closing their eyes and having a hard time focusing on the mission NASA claims they did not complete all the mission because of other factors. Interesting they report the same things Apollo did, around the same fields of space. Which brings us to the SpaceX Dragon and the new Apollo for humans to take into low Earth orbit!

Now this mission was a NASA mission to test radiation shielding they had been working on in order to go from 250 miles up to about 500 miles up. Vests, lithium shielding, water and hydrogen based solutions all were tried with this mission. Nasa had been trying to understand how to shield from the radiation in the upper regions of space since the early days of the space race. Here are the problems NASA found and what they say they can do about it:

Lets get this straight... SpaceX is NASA and NASA is SpaceX. The claim this is the first private company to make a craft for NASA is an outright lie. Boeing is not different. Has a CEO, is a business, takes on NASA contracts. Made the vehicles astronauts rode to space. SpaceX is nothing new. Its just nasa remaking Apollo.

So this craft took a bunch of people to test radiation in fields of space we are not able to safely be in. At about 500 miles up. Now this was not a mission that got much attention and there is even little to show for the results, but its one of only a few crewed missions to have gone past where the ISS is at 250 miles up.
THAT IS IT! For real, that is how far we actually are in space. Barely 500 miles up. The hope is that we will be able to use the shielding we have been trying to create in those links posted to make it safely in a polar orbit at 500 miles up to find stable orbit for the gateway station we want to build as the ISS russia put in space and controls is coming to its end. So they hope to launch the Dragon again. With test subjects from a cancer research center. Because radiation is why we are not going further out. GSI and Marco Durante proved what we need to leave low earth orbit and clearly we do not have it.

Again, its all because of radiation we do not go further out. if you missed the link that explains why these are the highest missions and their purpose: https://www.nasadebunked.com/did-they-fake-the-moon-landings/laptop-notebook-clinic/debunking-the-1957-van-allen-belts-conspiracy-theory
So why can't they send people further into space??? Well here is nasa sending Orion Unmanned into deep space, twice. Both times they say it experienced fatal levels of radiation and they cannot send men into these regions of space:
So say its not radiation and that the VAB are fine to pass through, clearly you are wrong, nasa says so and they will not send men into those regions of space because it is full of fatal radiation they cannot shield against. So back to the cancer research centers working with nasa/spacex to figure out how to deal with the radiation that has us only a few hundred miles up.
This morning NASA released the SpaceX interview with the Polaris Dawn crew. They went off on how they are going higher than any orbit in human history, they will be the highest flown manned mission. They are doing this as the leading cancer research center, continuing the studies from GSI and Orion in 2014. They are going to test the Orion shielding from vests to alternative materials. They make clear the radiation levels in these upper atmosphere.
They are going to try to touch the VAN ALLEN BELTS by doing a polar orbit, going through the belts while at their lowest points at the north and south poles. The radiation levels here will be higher than Apollos. Why? This is why: